Chicago Botanic Garden Project List 1995 - 2012

PHOTO: Evening Island, Chicago Botanic Garden
1995McGinley Pavilion$750,000
1996 Fruit & Vegetable Island Renovation1,200,000
1997Circle Garden1,000,000
19982nd Japanese Island1,000,000
1999Enabling Garden2,000,000
1999Flower Walk2,000,000
2000Spider Island750,000
2000Storage Building1,000,000
2001Administration Building8,000,000
2003Evening Island6,500,000
2003Serpentine and Arch Bridges1,000,000
2003Great Basin700,000
2003East and West Lakeside Gardens2,500,000
2003English Walled Garden Overlook500,000
2003Shoreline Restoration – Mid Lakes2,500,000
2003Deep Water Well and Discharge Pump1,600,000
2005Soundwall/Edens Sign/North Pump House14,000,000
2005Children’s Building (temporary)1,000,000
2005Esplanade and Crescent Garden7,500,000
2005 Administration Building Remodel1,500,000
2006Regenstein Center26,000,000
2006Japanese Garden Shoreline2,500,000
2006Extra lab in Plant Resource Center1,000,000
2007Gift Shop Remodel1,200,000
2007Woods Shelter500,000
2008Dwarf Conifer Garden1,000,000
2009Plant Conservation Science Center29,000,000
2009Campus Perimeter Fence900,000
2009Service Entrance Gate House250,000
2010Nature Reserve600,000
2011Café Remodel800,000
2011Trellis Bridge2,500,000
2011Evaluation Garden Expansion500,000
2011Entry Drive and Circle Drop-off for The Learning Campus1,000,000
2012Growing Garden2,800,000
2012 The Cove2,000,000
2012North Lake Shoreline6,300,000
 Capital Maintenance – over five years3,000,000